Cat Obesity: How to Help Your Cat Lose Weight

3 min read

Cat Obesity: How to Help Your Cat Lose Weight - Super Kitty Cats

Does your cat overeat and gets rounder by the day? Are they obese?

Read on, and let’s find out how obesity affects our paw friends and how we can help them live a healthier lifestyle. 

Excessive body weight is a common problem in cats. Study shows that 40-60% of cats in the world are overweight or obese. The huge issue is that cat parents are usually unaware of it. You see your cat as cute and cuddly, but they might have excess fat that may cause problems later in life.

The bad news is overweight and obese cats are at greater risk for serious health issues that may lead to a decreased quality of life and a shortened life span. 

The good news is that obesity is preventable, even reversible, and won’t need to take a toll on your cat’s life.

What are the health risks of an overweight pet?

Sadly obesity in cats is a severe condition and affects the quality of life in multiple ways, such as skin infections, high blood pressure, heart disease, immune suppression, diabetes, and even an increased possibility of cancer. It’s important to know if your cat is overweight to avoid problems later in life. 

How do you know if your cat is overweight?

Obese cats weigh more than 20% of their ideal body weight. One obvious way to determine if your cat has a healthy weight is to take them to the vet. You can watch out for these signs to access possible obesity at home: 

  • Do your cat show disinterest and inability in playing or other physical activity? Lethargy can undoubtedly be an indicator of a weight problem in your cat.
  • Watch for respiratory issues, like coughing or wheezing, and skin disorders and urinary problems, as these tend to be associated with obesity.
  • Average cats should have that hourglass figure when you’re looking down at them. They shouldn’t have a saggy belly, and you should be able to feel their ribs. You can refer to the chart below:

Image: Petco

How to help your cat lose weight?

Here are some effective strategies to help your cat lose weight safely and effectively:

  • First of all, consult with your cat’s vet and be guided with the right weight-loss programs and diet to help your kitty safely shed excess pounds.

  • Schedule meals with controlled portions instead of leaving an entire bowl of food out for your cat the whole day. Cats can’t regulate their diet. If you’re out for most of the day, an automated cat feeder is an easy solution.
  • Indoor exercise equipment is an excellent solution. With the aid of cat trees, scratching posts, and interactive toys, surely cats can be happily active inside your home.

  • If you have a lazy and lethargic cat, you should be creative in enticing them to do physical activities using treat-dispensing toys.

  • Daily walks on a leash are also beneficial. You can help them get some exercise while exploring the outdoors at the same time.

Overweight cats seem to be continuously hungry, so many of us feed them out of sympathy, which harms them more than reasonable. So next time they ask for a treat with those persuasive meows, resist it and be mindful of saying “No”. Let us not add to the issue of obesity but rather help resolve it.

It is never too late to help your paw friend become a fit and active cat again by taking the proper steps to promote longer and healthier lives.

Visit our Blogs Section for more exciting and fun facts about our beloved cats here!

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