Why Do Cats Hide?

3 min read

Why Do Cats Hide? - Super Kitty Cats

Cats love to hide. Those adorable tiny balls of fluff are known for thinking that they can disappear into thin air by just hiding in a corner. They hold that kind of magic; however, our feline companions aren't just hiding for no reason. Why do cats hide? Is hiding normal for them — or is there something else going on?

Why Do Cats Hide?

The majority of cats have a natural instinct to hide. It's their first line of defense against all the scary things in the world. Cats aren't fearless little furry ninjas who aren't afraid of anything.Hiding makes them feel safe and secure.They’re simply cautious creatures, and it is their way of life.

Let us learn why cats hide, and the best thing to do to help this hiding behavior.


It's a natural response for a cat to be anxious - they're trying to hide from danger - and it'll go away as they begin to relax. Stress-hiding seldom occurs to cats, but if your furry friend begins to spend the majority of their time hiding, it's time to take them to the vet.

Here are some common triggers for cat stress-hiding:

  • Loud noise
  • Sudden movement
  • Strange environment
  • A new person or animal
  • Noisy children

    2.Warmth and Comfort

    Cats prefer warmth, and tiny spaces help them maintain body heat. Given that they spend so much of their day resting, it makes sense that they would desire a comfortable, private spot to relax! It's also their way of protecting themselves from predators when they sleep.

    3.Health Issues

    When they are sick, they naturally hide, a cat's natural behavior thinking they might reduce their vulnerability. So, if your cat suddenly starts hiding and it's not normal for them to do so, it's best to take them to the doctor for a complete examination to rule out any health issues.

    4.Pregnancy and Birth

    When a female cat is pregnant and preparing to give birth, she will hide. If you suspect your cat is pregnant, make sure that you provide her with a safe hidden place or a box where they can feel safe and comfortable. During the final week of pregnancy, they will begin to hide, which is a good indicator that your cat is going to give birth.

    Where My Cat Be Hiding?

    The best way to find a missing cat is to start looking in their usual hiding spots. If you're not sure where your cat is, start your search by looking through these top 5 cat hiding spots:

    • Cardboard Boxes
    • Under or in your bed or covers
    • Laundry baskets
    • Closets and drawers
    • Behind or inside appliances

      Safe Hiding Spaces for Your Cat

      Cats love to be enclosed in small spaces but they’re not always great judges for choosing safe hiding locations. They may decide to hide in a location that puts them in danger, such as in your dryer or below the car. These are a few things you can provide to make sure their hiding spots are safe and comfy:

      1.Cat Cave
      A cat cave takes the form of a hideaway that gives your furry friend a nook just for them, where they can feel safe and secure. There are somecat caves available in the market designed not just to give them a place to hide but also to provide them a place to play, rest, and scratch.

        Donut Hideaway Cat Cave

        2.Cat Trees
        Cats often love being up high to hide and observe more of  their surroundings so that cat trees will be the best option. Some have condos where they can hide safely, comfortable beds, hammocks, scratching posts, and hanging toys. Providing them with a cat tree can enhance their instincts and well-being.

          Super Cat Tower

          3.Calming Beds
          If your furry friend is a scaredy-cat or is often stressed, providing them calming beds may be able to help them relax. This Calming Pet Bed With Roof Cover is recommended because it will effectively help them hide, sleep, and rest, as well as calm down.

            Cats make excellent companions. They are frequently playful and affectionate. Some are more prone to stress than others, and not all are social. They all have one thing in common:they all hide.

            Hiding is normal and can be beneficial to a cat's mental health. It gives them a private, calm, and pleasant place to be alone. When hiding becomes a problem, it covers more significant health issues. Always pay close attention to your cat.Contact your veterinarian right away if you are concerned about their hiding habits or any other aspect of their health.

            Visit our Blogs Section for more interesting and fun facts about our beloved cats here!

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